Madoka is a dancer who grew up in Japan training in classical ballet and hip hop. She then went on an around-the-globe-voyage with a focus on Africa and South America to explore why people dance and why dance was born. This voyage changed her perspective on life, and she is now committed to dancing for peace and freedom of expression. She has been described as a "Revolution Dancer" by Donisha Prendergast, Bob Marley's granddaughter, and has since performed in Cambodia to raise awareness of the plight of street children, in Japan at various travel and peace-related events, and in Canada for TEDxYouth with an anti-bullying message. After her journey, she began teaching hip hop for kids, tots, teens, and adults in Chiba, Japan and Vancouver, BC. She now lives and creates in Metchosin BC, Canada where she teaches hip hop at Movement Dance and Pearson College and hopes to continue to make meaningful change through dance.

Dance Instructor-worldwide-

In Canada
Movement Dance Studio, Metchosin
Pearson College, Metchosin
Immigrant Cultural Association, Victoria
Boogaloo Dance Academy, Vancouver
Cedardale Elementary, Vancouver ("Dance and Expression" Workshop)
Thrill the World, Vancouver
Shoreline Middle School,Victoria
Reynolds High School,Victoria
Sooke Dance Studio, Victoria
Brooks Westshore School, Victoria
In Japan
On board NGO Peace Boat's 78th global voyage
Studio PIRATES, Chiba
Creation Ballet School, Chiba
Studio Artfolio, Chiba
Culture School Across Mall Moriya
Ibaraki Elementary School

・Trained in Classical Ballet (13 years)
・Trained in Hip-hop (9 years)
Motion Capture Dancer for the Black Eyed Peas Experience
TEDxYouth, Vancouver
Royal BC Museum's Wild Romance event, Victoria
Cambodia Asia Collection, Cambodia
African Youth Ensemble in Soweto, South Africa
Afro Reggae in Favela, Brazil
Canadian Society of the Study of Education Conference,Victoria
University of British Columbia, Faculty of Education, Vancouver
One World 2016&2018, Victoria
LIQUID vol.2, Vancouver
Pearson Seminar on Youth Leadership 2015, Metchosin
and more...

Nikkei "Most Memorable Performance" Award at the Nikkei Star Talent Search 2015
Best Performance Award at Rishisha Dance Contest
Special Award at NGO Peace Boat Performance Contest
Winnert at the Gaku P Dance Contest